Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Varick ZBA meeting minutes October 23, 2018

Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Varick New York

Minutes for October 23, 2018

The Varick ZBA held a public meeting at the Varick Town Hall October 23, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Present: Annie Bachman – Chair, John Keel, Andrew Herkovic, Tim Dorn – Code Enforcement Officer
Absent: Fred Beary, Susan Ottenweller

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm.

September Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes with corrections.
1st J. Keel 2nd A. Herkovic Accepted unanimously

Code Enforcement Officer Report

Miller Variance – As of 10//10 there is no sign of construction.

Informed Anchor Welding of the Docks & Moorings jurisdiction when a permit was issued to install a dock on E. Lake Rd.

Permit issued for a carport – no issues with the project.

J. Lippert – request to make change to submitted plans already given a permit. To remove part of the
existing building and attach to new addition. Interested in tearing down the building and rebuild on the same foundation, but would need a variance.

Discussion: Original building falls under Article V – Non Conforming Use as it is very close to
the road. How much work is renovation vs new construction? Is there a percentage? Code states
buildings are to be set back 50 feet from center of road or to match with neighboring buildings.

Reminder: only complaint for the denied area variance request was from the northern neighbor
about parking on his property. Renovating the original building and connecting to a new
addition is seen as an improvement, especially if it gets the building further from the road.

5180 E. Lake Rd (owner – Valgora) may have an area variance to submit – they wish to demolish the
existing building and build new needing a side line variance. Will schedule hearing for November if the paperwork is recieved in time.

Report from S. Ottenweller about the Planning Board’s proposed changes will wait for her to be present. The 2018 amendment to the Code is available on the Town website. T. Dorn shared the file by e-mail to the ZBA.

Training: A. Bachman has training opportunities that she will get to members to complete their required training hours before the end of the year.

Old Business:
Docks and Moorings jurisdiction notices. (Item will remain on the agenda until done.) ZBA would like some form of notice to go in the annual town mailing telling residents about having jurisdiction to regulate and that structures and docks and moorings need to have permits. Also, that a notice go to the handful of dock installing companies that work in the area.

Miller Variance: (Item will remain on the agenda until done.) Measurements still needed for the record.

Concern/ complaint - Jennings property, Rte 89. S. Ottenweller spoke with Bob Steele, County Code
Officer and Joe McGrathe, County Land Bank. Property taxes are 2 years in arrears. The Finger Lakes Land Bank is interested and if taxes are unpaid by Feb. 28, 2019, they will consider taking the property, demolishing and reselling the lot after reviewing the costs and potential proceeds. Property is in front of Goosewatch Winery and has numerous old tires, boats, and other junk as well as the burned out building. Any cleanup will be expensive. The Finger Lakes Land Bank takes derelict property off the public roles to fix up for Habitat for Humanity or other solutions that may be needed in the area.

Site Visits – Inspect & gather information only. No discussion until the public hearing.

Area Variance Application form available on the town website. Change – to correct for what Code states on pg. 64. Reword the form to state: Provide list of names/addresses of adjacent neighbors including across roads.

New Business

November meeting: will be November 20, 2018 at 7:00 pm unless a variance application comes in and the timing is too tight for all notifications to go out. If this happens the meeting will be changed to November 27th.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 pm by A Herkovic 2nd J. Keel Accepted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted November 13, 2018.

Carol J. Mill-is

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