Sunday, August 14, 2016

Varick ZBA Meeting and Hearing August 30, 2016

A PUBLIC HEARING before the Town of Varick Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on August 30, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Town Office Building at 4782 Route 96 for an Application for an Area Variance filed by James Somerville. A public hearing for an area variance is requested under Section 703.2 of the Varick Zoning Code for property located at Rt 96A. on the west side, south of Hillside, parcel 6-1-12.11, in the Town of Varick. The Zoning Board of Appeals will hear and consider the appeal for an area variance which seeks relief from the minimum road frontage required for a lot subdivision. Said application is on file with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Town Clerk and is open for inspection.